Vulnerable Customers

One of our clients, a consumer finance business, reached out to us as they were experiencing a substantial increase in the number of Vulnerable Customers and associated complaint cases. The scale of the increase and the need for specialist skills was beyond their existing resource.

We worked with the client to make a plan – we would supply a full team of 14 people to focus exclusively on the vulnerable customer cases.  We immediately contacted the contractors on the Kind Agile Solutions who we knew were available for a new project and had Vulnerable Customer expertise.

Because we had made sure to build up a pool of specialist Vulnerable Customer talent within Kind Agile Solutions, we were able to have a full team on site and working on cases within 10 working days from the initial contact. The client has repeatedly renewed the contracts of the team, with VC case numbers remaining high due to increasing vulnerability in the customer base, and our KAS team continue to be the core of the response strategy.

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