Work Experience at Kind Consultancy
We’ve been joined in the Kind Office this week by our first Work Experience placement, Georgia contacted Kind Consultancy and asked if she could spend a few days out of her half-term working with us. At the end of her time in the office, we asked our newest team member to tell us a little about why she wanted to experience work at Kind Consultancy and what she’s taking away from her time here.
– Why did you choose to do your Work Experience with the Kind Group?
“I’m currently in my last year of high school and have been thinking about going into an apprenticeship following my final exams, but am struggling to decide on what route to go down. Although I have two part-time jobs, this was my first chance to experience office-based work, and to learn about Recruitment and Financial Services and to develop my customer service and sales skills.”
– What have you learned this week during your time with Kind?
“I’ve learned a little about the role of a Recruiter and what they do day-to-day, and have got some understanding of the basics of the Recruitment industry. For me, I think the most important thing has just been the first-hand experience of working in an office and commuting into the city. It’s been an excellent chance to actually be in a company instead of relying purely on the words of a career advisor or reading online about what this kind of work might be like. I now have a much better idea of what I want to do next, and what kind of jobs I’ll look at getting an apprenticeship in.
It’s a big decision to make at the age of sixteen and I think a lot of people my age would benefit from this sort of short term placement as well as the formal Work Experience week that my school offers.”